Posts Tagged ‘craft’
Spotlight On: Stand-Up People
Create cute, miniature people who can stand on their own two feet! These sturdy card stock figures are terrific for a multitude of different art projects and as components in presentations for other subjects. Use paint, marker, crayon, pencil crayon and collage materials to decorate your stand-up person. The large size (7 1/4 x 11…
Read MorePaper Plate Pouch
This versatile craft has infinite applications in the classroom! Use as a fun and practical first week craft. Do students need something to keep personal items in at their tables? These pouches are perfect for manipulatives, writing utensils, small book and notebooks and bookmarks! Hang them onver the back of chairs, tape to the edge…
Read MoreR10210 Action Shapes
Lights! Camera! Action! These moving people shapes are wonderful resources to use for art projects, and amateur stop-motion videos. Action Shapes are made from sturdy card so that they will hold their shape while you position the characters’ arms and … Continue reading
Tube Crafts Pencil Holders
Make beautiful holders for your writing and painting tools using colorful card paper! Age: 5+ Duration: 10 minutes You’ll Need: • R39301 Tube Crafts • R22052 Double Color Sheets • Tape • Scissors The R39301 Tube Crafts will be used to make … Continue reading
Craft Spotlight: Big Huge Dinosaurs!
To give your Big! Huge! Dinosaur a unique appearance, use balloon painting! This cool technique keeps little fingers clean while generating a fun painting experience. R75424 Big! Huge! Dinosaurs are perfect for large scale fingerpainting projects. The sheet itself reaches roughly 3 feet in length, but you don’t need a whole lot of paint to cover it up! Fingerpaints spread…
Read MorePersonalized Art Totes!
Store your art materials in personalized art totes! Make one for yourself (the ever-patient and longstanding art teacher) or invite your students to make one for you. The project is pretty simple and quick so students will love the opportunity to make more! Age: 3+ Duration: 5-10 minutes You’ll Need: • Assorted rubbing plates: R5841…
Read MoreCraft Spotlight: Masterpiece Fingerpaint Frames
Make a work of art out of every fingerpainting session! Simply slip students’ fingerpaint artwork underneath any one of our R75421 Masterpiece Fingerpainting Frames. Each of the Masterpiece Fingerpainting Frame packages comes with special fingerpaint paper that slips perfectly into each of the frames. Use regular fingerpaint on the paper. To enhance students’ sensory awareness,…
Read MoreUnited Art & Education uses our Color Diffusing Circles!
United Art & Education uses our R24908 Color Diffusing Circles to make rose-window style stained glass images! The process is very simple and can be applied to most other Color Diffusing Circle projects. First, the R24908 Color Diffusing Circles were folded in half twice. A pencil was used to sketch in a rose-window like design…
Read MoreValentine’s Day Tree
Create your own Valentine’s Day artwork with Heart Mosaics! Use a tracing of your hand to form the tree trunk and branches, then fill in the gaps with Heart Mosaic leaves. Follow the complete tutorial below! Age: 4+ Duration: 10-15 minutes You’ll Need: • R15367 Heart Mosaics • R15233 Skin Tone Craft Paper • Scissors…
Read MoreTen in the Bed!
Turn a classic children’s song into a storytime activity with our Animal Buttons and a few craft materials! Your students will love the interactive quality of the game. Choose from a variety of different templates below to help you make your own Ten in a Bed! Age: 3-5 Duration: 10 minutes You’ll Need: • R2040 Animal…
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