The Magic of Process Art: Understanding its Essence and Benefits

process art

When creating art, we often find ourselves trying to replicate the perfect vision in our minds, this can lead to stress and dissatisfaction when the results don’t match our expectations. Children experience this same frustration! It’s important to teach them from a young age that sometimes things don’t turn out as planned, and that’s perfectly okay. Enter: process art!

What is Process Art?

Process art is a movement that prioritizes the act of making art over the end result. Unlike traditional art forms that focus on creating a specific, predefined outcome, process art encourages artists to immerse themselves in the creative process. In fact, process art is meant to resemble nothing and everything! This means that the methods, techniques, and materials used are just as important – if not more so – than the artwork itself.

In process art, there are no right or wrong ways to create. It’s all about the experience of experimenting with different materials, trying new techniques, and allowing creativity to flow freely. This form of artmaking can be particularly liberating for children, who often feel pressured to produce “perfect” artwork.

From a developmental perspective, process art is great for preschoolers and kindergarteners who are in stages of developing important fine motor skills and have yet to gain the self-awareness skills that allow us to replicate objects with accuracy.

What are the Benefits?

Fosters Creativity and Imagination

Process art allows children to explore their creativity without the constraints of a specific outcome. The imagination can be used to experiment with colors, textures, and shapes leading to unique and original creations. This freedom encourages children to think outside the box and develop their own artistic style. It’s proven that creativity boasts best in the hands of enjoyment!

Encourages Problem-Solving Skills

When engaging in process art, children often encounter challenges that require them to think critically and solve problems. Here are four problem solving skills children gain:

  1. Analyzation Skills: Children can consider which materials to use, how to use them, and how to achieve their desired effects.
  2. Decision Making: Process art requires children to make numerous decisions throughout their creative process. They decide on colors, shapes, and techniques.
  3. Adaptability: When something doesn’t go as planned, children must adapt and find new ways to approach their work. This helps them become more flexible and open to change.
  4. Persistence: Working on process art teaches children to keep going even when they encounter challenges. They learn the value of perseverance and the rewards of seeing a project through completion. In other words, “trust the process.”

Builds Confidence and Independence

Without strict guidelines on what to create, children can gain a sense of accomplishment and independence. They learn to trust their instincts and make decisions, boosting their self-confidence and self-esteem – a few essential skills children need to learn at a young age.

Fosters Emotional Expression

Art is a powerful medium for expressing emotions. Process art allows children to convey their feelings and experiences through their creations. This form of self-expression can be therapeutic and helps children process their emotions in a healthy way.

Encourages a Growth Mindset

Having a growth mindset is beneficial all throughout a lifetime. Process art teaches children that the journey is more important than the destination. They learn to appreciate their efforts and understand that making mistakes is a valuable part of learning. This mindset fosters resilience and a love for lifelong learning.

How to Incorporate Process Art at Home or in the Classroom

Provide a variety of materials: Offer a range of art supplies that children can use to engage in process art. This can include paint, clay, markers, paper, yarn, recycled materials and more. Basically, whatever you can find that fits in your budget! Explore our top 3 process art supplies below:

Create a dedicated art space: Set up a designated area where your child can freely create without worrying about making a mess – that’s the whole point and half the fun!

Encourage exploration: Allow your child to experiment with different techniques and materials. Resist the urge to guide them towards a specific outcome.

Celebrate their efforts: Focus on praising the process rather than the final product. Ask open-ended questions about their artwork to encourage reflection and discussion.

Overall, process art is a fantastic way to nurture creativity, problem solving, and emotional expression in children. By emphasizing the journey over the destination, we can help our little artists grow into confident, independent, and imaginative individuals. So gather some art supplies, create a welcoming space, and let the magic of process art unfold!

Back To School Prep: 5 Tips For Classroom Organization

classroom organization

As we begin another school year, educators everywhere are busy preparing their classrooms for a fresh and successful start. A well-organized and engaging classroom environment can significantly impact students’ learning experiences. To help you kick the year off on the right foot, we’ve compiled a list of some essential tips for classroom organization. 

1. Organize and Declutter

A clutter-free classroom is a productive classroom and is a great starting point for classroom organization! Start by decluttering your space and organizing materials. Label storage bins and shelves to ensure that both you and your students can easily find and return items. This also inadvertently teaches students how to live in a clean, clutter free environment in their future. 

Our favorite classroom organizational product is Bright Bowls. Useful for a variety of purposes, these bowls are the right size for little fingers to easily grab and are great for sorting craft supplies, using as paint, glue, and glitter holders, table organizers, sorting items, and more. Dishwasher safe! 

classroom organization

2. Create Engaging Learning Centers

Learning centers can enhance student engagement by providing hands-on learning experiences throughout various subject areas. Not only are learning centers educational, but they provide a fun and positive environment for learners, allowing students to explore personal growth and prepare them for future academic success (Children’s Corner Learning Center). Game-based learning environments are a great learning center option. 

3. Plan Interactive & Hands-On Activities

Engaging students with interactive and hands-on activities stimulates students’ curiosity and creativity about learning. Check out one of our favorite hands-on sorting activities using our See-Through Sorting Trays:

Three oversized trays featuring bar, Venn, and web graphs are a great way to teach hands on sorting and counting! 

Venn Diagram: On the left side, have a couple handfuls of colorful letter beads in the tray. On the right side of the graph, have a couple handfuls of colorful buttons. Ask students to find the similarities between the two groups by picking through and finding all the red beads and buttons. 

Bar Graph: In the square box, have a handful of various square and circle buttons. Ask students to organize the buttons in the long rectangle “bar” diagram by making a pattern. Students can follow outlined cards, or use their creativity to create their own patterns! 

Web Graph: In the small circles, place a variety of random buttons. Ask students to sort through each small circle, pick out all of a specific color and place the matching colors into the large circle . For another version, place a random assortment of beads in the large circle and ask students to organize the beads by color or shape. 

35050 See Through Sorting Trays

4. Personalize Your Classroom Decor

Make your classroom feel welcoming and inclusive by personalizing the decor. Display student work, inspirational quotes, and culturally diverse materials to create a space where all students feel valued. Use bulletin boards and wall displays to showcase important information and celebrate students’ achievements. 

5. Establish Classroom Routines

Clear routines and procedures help students know what to expect and reduce classroom disruptions. Start the year by teaching and practicing routines, such as how to transition between activities, where to store personal items, how to use classroom materials properly, and how/when to line up for events. Consistency is key to maintaining a well-managed and organized classroom. Take a look at some of our favorite and easy types of classroom routines.

By following these tips (and others that you have accumulated over the years) you can begin to create an organized, engaging, and dynamic classroom environment. Here’s to a successful and inspiring new school year!

Game-Based Learning: The Benefits and Two Awesome Game Recommendations

In today’s rapidly evolving educational landscape, innovative teaching methods are essential to engage young minds and enhance learning experiences. Game-based learning (GBL) has emerged as a powerful tool, combining the worlds of education and play. Overall, understanding the benefits and applications of GBL can significantly impact the choices made in the classroom and at home.

The Magic of Game-Based Learning

Game-based learning integrates educational content with game mechanics, creating an immersive learning environment that motivates students to engage, explore, and achieve. This method leverages the natural inclination of children to play, making learning a fun and interactive process. Ultimately, whether it’s a sorting game to learn math concepts or a physical activity promoting teamwork and problem-solving, GBL covers a broad spectrum of subjects and skills.

Why The Education Industry Should Embrace GBL

From educators and administrators to educational distributors, everyone in the education industry has a unique opportunity to influence the tools and resources used in classrooms worldwide. By incorporating GBL into product offerings, the industry can:

  1. Discover Modern Educational Standards: As curricula evolve to include more interactive and student-centered approaches, GBL products modernize standard teaching practices making the classroom setting more enjoyable for students.
  2. Enhance Student Engagement: Games naturally capture students’ attention, leading to higher engagement and retention rates compared to traditional methods.
  3. Promote Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Many educational games are designed to challenge learners, encouraging them to think critically and solve complex problems.

Our GBL Product Recommendation for Educators:

Twist & Spell Exercise Cards: Incorporate various spelling, phonic, and vocabulary word games using these cards.

Check out our Twist and Spell Exercise Cards game recommendation here.

The Retail Advantage: Why Toy Stores Should Be Stocking GBL Products

The retail toy industry is one of the most competitive industries worldwide, and those within the industry are always on the lookout for the next big thing that will not only delight children but reassure caregivers of its value. GBL products fit this niche perfectly by offering:

  1. Educational Value: Parents are increasingly seeking toys that provide educational benefits, Stocking GBL products meets this demand, attracting a more informed customer base.
  2. Innovative Play Options: From STEM kits to language games, GBL products offer diverse and exciting play options that stand out on the shelves.
  3. Parental Approval: Parents are more likely to purchase toys that they know will benefit their child’s development. Being aware of this can lead to increased sales and customer satisfaction.

The Role Parents Play in Game-Based Learning

As the primary educators at home, parents play a crucial role in their children’s learning journey, Integrating GBL at home can:

  1. Reinforce Classroom Learning: Educational games can reinforce concepts taught in school providing children with a fun way to practice and apply what they’ve learned.
  2. Encourage Family Bonding: Many GBL products are designed for group play, allowing parents to interact with their children in a fun way that also promotes learning.
  3. Support Diverse Learning Styles: Every child learns differently, and GBL products cater to a variety of learning styles, ensuring that all children can benefit.

Our GBL Product Recommendation for Retailers and Parents:

Color Beams: Letters, Numbers, and Colorful Creations: Allow children to create letters, numbers, and various shapes using guided cards!

Check out our Color Beams: Letters, Numbers, and Colorful Creations game here.


Game-based learning is not just a trend; it’s a transformative approach that has the potential to reshape education for the better. By embracing GBL, parents and educators can actively contribute to the success of children.

For more information on our game-based learning products, contact us at

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The Fun, New Way To Experience Game-Based Learning: Color-Beams

What is Game-Based Learning?

Game-based learning integrates educational content with game mechanics, creating an immersive learning environment that motivates students to engage, explore, and achieve. This method leverages the natural inclination of children to play, making learning a fun and interactive process. Ultimately, whether it’s a sorting game to learn math concepts or a physical activity promoting teamwork and problem-solving, GBL covers a broad spectrum of subjects and skills. For more information on game-based learning, click here.

A Few Benefits of Game-Based Learning:

  • Increased enthusiasm regarding learning
  • Promotes healthy competition and regulating emotions
  • Engages critical thinking skills
  • Ability to shift activity based on desired learning outcomes

Game-Based Learning Games to Steal From Us: Color Beams

Game 1:

Using the transparent shapes, ask kids what color they think it would make when you laid the two different colored shapes on top of one another.

Give them three chances to guess, and if they get it right within those three guesses, offer an incentive!

This will help grow their desire to participate, as well as help them to remember what the color was through positive reinforcement.

Game 2:

Using the alphabet building cards, have kids make the letter, using the pegs and transparent shapes, on the peg board.

Then, have them look through the building cards with different creations/shapes on them, and have them choose one whose name starts with the letter they just made on the board.

As the child then uses both pegs and transparent shapes to make the creation they chose, a stronger pathway to memory will be created. This in turn, will help kids better associate certain letters with certain objects or shapes.

Game 3:

Using the number cards, teach kids addition and subtraction.

Have them make whichever of the numbers they choose on the peg board, and then have them either add or subtract another number of their choosing.

Then, ask them to solve the math problem, and once they know the answer, have them count out that number of pegs to help reinforce it.

So for example, if a child chose the card that has the shape of the number 5 on it, they would make the number five on the board, then choose another card. Let’s say the second card says the number 2 on it, then they would make the number two on the peg board.

Then if you were teaching them addition, you would ask them what five plus two is, and once they arrived at the answer of seven, they would count out seven pegs to reinforce the answer in their head.

These are just a few ideas to help take kids’ learning to the next level.

We hope that you now understand and appreciate the value of game-based learning, and will even consider working it into the lives of young learners around you.

Crafts for Seniors: 5 Reasons Why it’s Essential for Seniors + Ideas!

Let’s be honest, we’re all kids at heart, and crafts for seniors are just as important as crafts for kids! Crafting is a timeless activity that brings joy, creativity, and a sense of accomplishment to people of all ages. For seniors, engaging in crafts can offer numerous physical, mental, and emotional benefits. Take a look to explore some of the main reasons why crafting is essential for seniors. At Roylco, we believe in the power of creativity to enhance lives, and our products are designed to be accessible, fun, and beneficial for everyone, including seniors. Here’s why crafting is great for seniors and how Roylco products can make their crafting experience even more enriching.

Benefits of Crafts for Seniors

Improved Cognitive Function: Engaging in crafts helps keep the mind sharp. Activities like painting, knitting, or assembling puzzles can enhance memory, problem-solving skills, and concentration. Regular crafting can stimulate the brain, which is crucial for maintaining cognitive health in seniors.

Enhanced Motor Skills: Crafting often involves fine motor skills, which can help seniors maintain hand-eye coordination and dexterity. This is particularly important for seniors with arthritis or other conditions that affect their hands.

Emotional Well-being: Crafting is a wonderful way to reduce stress and anxiety. It promotes relaxation and can provide a sense of purpose. The act of creating something beautiful can boost self-esteem and give a sense of accomplishment.

Social Engagement: Crafting can be a social activity, offering opportunities for seniors to connect with others. Whether in a group setting or a shared hobby, it can help combat loneliness and foster a sense of community.

Creative Expression: Art and craft provide a medium for seniors to express themselves creatively. This can be particularly meaningful for those who find it challenging to communicate verbally.

With these benefits, who could say no? It’s clear that engaging in crafts as a regular practice can greatly increase quality of life for seniors. Now, check out our list of craft recommendations below that keep everyone feeling young.

Craft Ideas For Seniors Using Roylco Products:

Rubbing Plates

Our textured rubbing plates are excellent for creating unique art pieces. Seniors can place a sheet of paper over the plates and rub with crayons or pencils to reveal intricate designs. This activity is both fun and therapeutic, stimulating tactile senses and creativity.

Rubbing Plate Bookmarks:

Cut the cardstock into bookmark-sized pieces (2×6 inches) for the residents. Place a piece of cardstock over a Rubbing Plate. Use the side of a crayon to rub over the paper, revealing the textured design. Experiment with different textures and patterns to create a unique design on each bookmark. Decorate with buttons, sequins, or stickers.

Materials Needed:

  1. A Roylco Rubbing Plate
  2. Cardstock Paper
  3. Crayons (with paper removed)
  4. Scissors
  5. Hole Punch
  6. Ribbon or Yarn

Stencils & Color Diffusing Paper

Stencils are a great way to improve dexterity and fine motor skills while having creative fun! Seniors can make simple or more intricate designs as they follow along the inside of the stencil.

Blots of Snowflake Ornaments

Grab a piece of Roylco’s Blotting Paper and your favorite Roylco Super Snowflake Stencil. Lay the stencil on top of the paper & tape the stencil to the paper to ensure it doesn’t move.

Trace over the stencil with a marker and color in your outlined snowflake with a combination of washable markers and spray with water. Watch as the colors merge together!

Once dry, cut out the outlined snowflake and punch a hole in the top. Add a piece of ribbon and hang it on a Christmas tree, the ceiling, or wherever you’d like!

Materials Needed:

  1. Blotting Paper
  2. Snowflake Stencils
  3. Scissors
  4. Hole Punch
  5. Ribbon or Yarn
  6. Spray Bottle
  7. Another Option for Paper: Color Diffusing Paper

Scissor Skills Paper

One of our new products, Scissor Skills Haircut Paper, is a great way to help seniors hone in on their fine motor skills, practice coordination, and improve their dexterity.

Scissor Skill Haircuts

Choose a fun character from the pack and grab a pair of scissors. Follow along with the dotted lines and make your cuts. Each piece should look like a strand of hair. Once cut, fold the pieces back and fourth to create a hairstyle for your character. Grab a marker and add a fun face to complete your look!

Materials Needed:

  1. Scissor Skills Paper
  2. Scissors
  3. Marker

Tips for Senior Crafting:

  • Comfort and Safety: Ensure a comfortable crafting environment with good lighting and seating. Use tools that are easy to grip and handle.
  • Simplify Projects: Choose projects that match the senior’s skill level. Simple, repetitive tasks can be both satisfying and achievable.
  • Encourage Social Interaction: Crafting in groups can make the experience more enjoyable and help build connections.
  • Celebrate Creativity: Focus on the joy of creation rather than perfection. Encourage experimentation and personal expression.

Crafting can be a delightful and therapeutic activity for seniors, offering numerous benefits for their mental, physical, and emotional well-being. With Roylco’s range of accessible and enjoyable crafting products, seniors can unlock their creativity and experience the joy of making something beautiful.

Year-Round Learning: The Best Ways To Keep Learning All Summer Long

We know how hard it is to keep kids learning and entertained over the summer. And, we know that learning is not necessarily the first thing that comes to mind when people hear the word “summer”, but we want to challenge that. Year-round learning is both fun and highly beneficial.

Here are some of the greatest benefits of learning during the summer:

  • Helps individuals stay motivated
  • Assists in avoiding bordem
  • Grants opportunities to gain confidence
    • Ability to learn on a flexible schedule

These products are perfect to keep kids learning, while having fun this summer:

Geo Creatures:

Inspire problem-solving in a fun and engaging way with Geo Creatures. Geo Creatures are fun, colorful shapes that allow kids the opportunity to make some of their favorite animals in their habitats by matching the angles of the shapes to the dimensions of the creature on the habitat card.

Super Topplers:

Super Topplers will become kids’ new best friends this summer, while simultaneously teaching them how to sort, count, and even create chain reactions! These cute, colorful, Topplers come with 18 domino cards to keep kids innovating all summer long.

Tubes and Connectors:

These tubes fit perfectly into the connectors to allow young ones to build the creation of their dreams. The kit includes a play guide with 18 cards to help gradually increase the difficulty of each build, therefore enhancing engineering and fine motor skills. Or, kids can start building without the cards to help further their open-ended creativity and understanding of how structures work together to support one another. The possibilities are endless!

Felt Architect:

These soft, felt pieces fit wonderfully together to give kids the opportunity to build the world of their dreams. With this, kids can become architects and develop free thinking. Imagination doesn’t have to take time off just because school does!

We hope we have helped you see the value of continued learning throughout the summer. With these tools on hand, kids can continue to grow into their best selves all year long.

MESH – What is MESH & Why is it Important?

First things first: What is MESH?

MESH stands for mental, emotional, and social health, and is a term coined by ThinkFun in collaboration with Deborah Gilboa, M.D. in 2022. According to, there are 8 MESH skills that are critical for young learners development. These skills are:

  1. Self-regulation
  2. Problem
  3. Conflict resolution
  4. Communication strategies
  5. Adaptation
  6. Cognition
  7. Self-advocacy
  8. Perseverance

So, why is MESH important?

MESH addresses multiple aspects of well-being including mental health, emotional intelligence, social skills, and physical health. This comprehensive approach ensures that young people receive support in all areas necessary for their overall health and happiness.

By focusing on mental, emotional, social, and health development, MESH programs can help prevent issues such as anxiety, depression, social isolation, and physical health problems. Additionally, these programs can provide interventions and support for young people who are already experiencing challenges in these areas.

MESH aim to build resilience, equipping young people with the skills and resources they need to cope with stress, adversity, and setbacks. By fostering resilience, MESH helps develop the ability to bounce back from difficult situations and thrive in the face of challenges.

This holistic approach increases self-awareness and self-care practices that are vital for maintaining good mental and physical health. Through activities such as mindfulness, self-reflection, and stress management techniques, children learn to understand their own emotions, needs, and boundaries, and to take proactive steps to prioritize their well-being.

Here are some of our favorite products that promote MESH:

Make-a-Mandala Paper

With our Make-a-Mandala Paper, people both young and old can tap into their creativity, concentration, and exploration.

This Zen-ful craft promotes mindfulness through the creation of art. Create beautiful geometric patterns as you follow simple line designs. Once you’ve mastered the easy patterns, move to our more challenging designs to create more elaborate patterns. Easy to learn, a lifetime to master!

Fabulous Family Portrait Stencils

With our Fabulous Family Portrait Stencils kids can tap into their emotional, social, and artistic skills!

Kids can trace a family grouping and then color each person in—giving them facial expressions and clothing that represents each person.

We hope that we have helped you to see why being mindful of mental, emotional, and social health (MESH) is so important for young learners. It is never too early to begin developing a healthy and holistic view on life, through both learning and taking care of oneself!

Growth Mindset Lesson Plan

You might be wondering what a growth mindset is, so let’s start by defining it. A growth mindset is the believe that we can improve our abilities through effort, practice, and learning from mistakes. The opposite of a growth mindset is a fixed mindset which is the believe that our abilities are set in stone.

So why is having a growth mindset important?

Having a growth mindset is vital to development because it allows us to view challenges as a growing opportunity, rather than as an unclimbable mountain. When we approach issues with a growth mindset, we are more likely to achieve goals and try new things that may be difficult or unfamiliar to us. These situations help foster perseverance, problem-solving skills, and a stronger work ethic.

A growth mindset is something that is learned, and therefore, must first be taught. Teaching children this practice from a young age is a great way to help them navigate the coming challenges in their lives, and will also help them to better resolve social issues. Take a look at a few of our products we recommend for exploring growth mindsets.

Roylco Laminated Speech Bubbles:

Our Laminated Speech Bubbles allow children to write how they think someone would respond to a certain situation with a growth mindset vs. with a fixed mindset. This is a great tool to visually show kids how having a fixed mindset often leads to more frustration and limitations, while having a growth mindset leads to greater positivity and success.

Roylco Stand-Up Self Portraits:

Using the Stand-Up Self Portraits, children are able to express what they imagine someone with a fixed mindset looking like (facial expression, what they would say, etc.) and someone with a growth mindset. This allows parents and teachers the opportunity to ask children questions of why they think someone with that specific mindset would think and feel that way, which leads to greater conversation of the benefits of having a growth mindset.

See the Growth Mindset Lesson Plan for greater detail on how to most effectively utilize these tools, Laminated Speech Bubbles and Stand-Up Self Portraits, as a method of teaching young learners the importance of adopting a growth mindset.

We hope you too see the importance of both adults and children putting into practice a growth mindset. It is never too early to learn to effectively overcome challenges and expand your mind to the possibilities in front of you!

The Importance of Calm Down Corners

First things first: What are calm down corners?

We’re glad you asked! Calm down corners are a space that help kids learn to understand, control, and regulate their feelings in a safe and familiar environment.

Many of us do not think about the fact that controlling our emotions is something we once had to learn and practice. We are all aware though that this is a valuable skill throughout every stage of life, which is why it is such an important thing to guide your kids through starting from a young age.

For the best calm down corner, you will want to create a comfortable space in a quiet room, and as you may have guessed, a corner is often best. Making the space comfortable and familiar will help the child feel safe and will also help them to engage in activities that allow them to calm down and understand what it is that they are feeling. You can do this by filling the area with things such as books, comfortable seating such as a bean bag, crafts, and toys!

Why are they important?

They provide a designated, safe area where children can go when they feel overwhelmed, anxious, or upset. Having a physical space designated for calming down can help children feel secure and supported. Calm down corners also teach children self-regulation skills by giving them the opportunity to identify their emotions and choose healthy coping strategies to manage them. When children learn to recognize their feelings and regulate their reactions, they develop important emotional intelligence skills that benefit them throughout life. Providing children with a designated space to calm down empowers them to take control of their emotions and behavior. Instead of reacting impulsively to strong emotions, children learn to pause, self-soothe, and make more thoughtful choices about how to respond.

Tools to help increase your child’s mindfulness include:

Mindfulness Tracers

Our Mindfulness Tracers are inspired by nature, body, and mind and help bring mindfulness and art together to create the perfect meditative exercise for calm down corners! Trace the design to help center yourself and de-stress, and then follow it up with decorating the design to create a beautiful piece of art.

Emotion Tokens

Foster your child’s emotional intelligence with our Emotion Tokens that allow kids to explore what they’re feeling in the form of art! Use different stencils and colors to better express emotions while also promoting empathy and understanding.

Creating a calm down corner in your home or classroom is an invaluable practice for both you and your child(ren). It is never too early or late to develop emotional intelligence, self-management, and core relational skills. Let’s help our kids become the best versions of themselves one emotional moment at a time!