Free Resources

Free Resources for Home Learning

Our mission at Roylco has always been to help teachers educate and inspire their students. Now, with so many parents taking on the role of home schoolers, we wanted to do our part to help by providing you with free resources to download and use as needed. We have created a wide range of activities, craft ideas, math, geography, literacy and science references for you, for free. Simply click to download. We hope this will be a way for you to add to your home-learning resources, or simply to use as a distraction when you and your children need a break from reality. Stay safe and thank you as always for visiting our website!

Free Worksheets

Art Worksheets

Science Worksheets

Math Worksheets

Fine Motor Worksheets

Geography Worksheets

Language Worksheets

The Body Worksheets

Art Lesson Plans

Free Color Sheets

Cubism Self Portrait Reproducible Art

Still Life Crayon Paper Reproducible

Easter Rabbit Coloring Page

More to Explore!

Trying to keep your child engaged at home? We’ve gathered up a collection of fun and unique products to help your children pass the time while staying sharp!

Got Kids? Craft Box.

Hey, we’re facing unique times. You’re working from home with your child nearby—that comes with beautiful (and sometimes stressful) moments. These boxes will keep your child engaged while you get your own work done. Each box contains 5 educational STEAM products along with a few bonus items.

Got Kids?