Since 1969
Making Learning Fun and Inspiring
At Roylco, we don’t see learning as a chore—We think learning should be fun and inspiring for children and educators alike! Our goal is to empower educators with accessible, practical, and cost-effective products and content that take education from ordinary to extraordinary.
Exceptional teachers, parents, and day care providers find that Roylco provides them with an opportunity to make learning feel like play, with supplies, toys, and activity plans that engage and captivate children of all ages, especially young learners.

Our Mission
Regardless of age, gender, race, culture, or physical or mental capability, we want to
inspire in all children an interest in learning and a creative spirit that will last a lifetime.
Our History
Roylco opens its doors
John Nosalik started Roylco in his parents’ garage with the first product being chalkboard erasers
First manufacturing facility
Broke ground on the first manufacturing facility located in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
The Nosalik family pictured in front of the first plant.
Started exporting products internationally
We made it worldwide
The Nosalik family celebrates Peter’s graduation after Carolyn attended a trade show in Toronto.
Carolyn shows products at a trade show in the U.S.
Opened a facility in the U.S.
Expanded to support growth and broader distribution
Expanded line to better serve teachers
Grew our offerings in the educational space
Introduced a full line of retail educational toys
Extended our expertise into play
Tory and Darby showing the STEAM line at the New York Toy Fair.