United Art & Education uses our Color Diffusing Circles!


United Art & Education uses our R24908 Color Diffusing Circles to make rose-window style stained glass images! 

The process is very simple and can be applied to most other Color Diffusing Circle projects. First, the R24908 Color Diffusing Circles were folded in half twice. A pencil was used to sketch in a rose-window like design on the portioned part. Later, the artist applied watercolor markers to add color and definition to the sketch. 

The final step used a paintbrush to dab water onto the colored parts. This distributes the color through all the underlying layers.

When the paint is dry, unfold the entire Color Diffusing Circle to reveal the complete art underneath!

Check out the full step by step process and final artwork in the video below! Be sure to leave them a positive comment!


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