Posts Tagged ‘thanksgiving’
Thanksgiving Pumpkin Pie Craft
This craft perfectly combines early geometry with Thanksgiving cheer! In order for creativity to flourish, students need a solid understanding of the fundamentals. What underpins the fundamentals is vocabulary. A student has to be able to describe their world and what they see before they can change it and create new things. This activity is…
Read MoreCraft Spotlight: Project Leaves with a Thanksgiving Turkey project!
It’s never too early to start thinking about seasonal crafts for the classroom, no matter what time of year! Prepare for Thanksgiving with our true-to-life sized R51080 Project Leaves in a variety of colors and shapes. Use the Project Leaves … Continue reading
Loralee Lewis uses our Paper Doll Pads!
Loralee Lewis makes beautiful stationery for sale at her website here. Loralee’s experience with paper makes this Paper Doll Pad project an innovative craft for Thanksgiving! Celebrate diversity with fun paper doll characters for your Thanksgiving table! Loralee Lewis posted her craft on November 22, 2008, entitled: “Gathering Together Activity and Thanksgiving Kids’ Table.” She notes…
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