Light Learning: Uppercase Letters

Make literacy visual and tactile with these colorful, squishy letters! They are perfect for light table play! Appeal to the senses while learning the alphabet and spelling simple words! For students with fidgety fingers, these squishy letters make learning language tactile. The small disc inside each letter allows students to develop fine motor skills. Children…

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Two Big Two Little Uses our First Look Light Table Kit!

Our R59260 First Look Light Table Kit gives you all the materials you need to explore light and color changing properties and add a new dimension to learning in virtually all educational subjects! Two Big Two Little posted up their experiences using our kit on their very own homemade light table! This post was made…

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Caution! Twins at Play! uses our Color Diffusing Paper Leaves!

Kristen from Caution! Twins at Play! posted photos of her twins Graham and Parker painting our R2442 Color Diffusing Paper Leaves! They used liquid watercolor to color the leaves and painted onto clear plates to keep the table surface clean.   This post, called “water color” was published on December 30, 2012. Kristen took many…

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