Craft Spotlight: Stand Up Letters

DSCF7019Our newest product addition: R49702 Stand Up Letters! Students can color in and decorate the letters, adding their own unique touch with collage materials, stickers, mosaics and more! The Stand Up Letters are perfect for helping students picture exactly how each letter looks like–since they stand out so well!

Stand Up Letters can be used for a variety of literacy projects! Click on the link to visit our full product webpage.

• Younger students can trace the inside of the Stand Up Letters to help build their fine motor skills and get them prepared for learning how to write the letters individually!

• Older students can spell their names with the letters.

• Draw on images that match the letter (i.e. Cat for the letter ‘C’ and so on).

• Use the letters to teach the differences between consonants and vowels!

• Students can also play a spelling game that’s a version of Boggle Letters! Choose 3-5 assorted consonants and vowels and encourage the students to spell out words with the provided letters.

View more ideas here in the PDF guide!

The Stand Up Letters are made from sturdy card to help reinforce the folded letter when it’s placed upright.


The video below shows how to set up and decorate the Stand Up Letters.


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Craft Spotlight: Mosaics!


Use new materials to create stunning art projects! Our line of Mosaic products will inspire your students accomplish this simply using glue and a bit of colorful imagination. Our videos below showcase some project ideas you can use in your classroom.

Have a look below at some of our mosaic products, including R15639 Spectrum Mosaics, R15651 Fabric Mosaics and R15642 Quilt Mosaics!

R15639 Spectrum Mosaics

To start, let’s have a look at some of the features of our R15639 Spectrum Mosaics. View more of our colorful mosaics here! Spectrum Mosiacs are designed to be used with the included reproducible grid illustrations. Photocopy the grids and distribute to your students. A handful of assorted Spectrum Mosaics can be used to fill in all the blank boxes with a bit of glue.


The Spectrum Mosaics are double-sided with different colors on both sides. The mosaics come in many variations of different colors, so your students can sort the colors in similar groups or according to lightness or darkness. Your students can even come up with their own names for certain colors!

Watch the video below to see the Spectrum Mosaics in action! Use contact paper or sticky laminate paper to create your own reusable mosaic placemats! We suggest making a rough drawing of the final illustration, then filling in all the areas for the colors with the assorted Spectrum Mosaics.

R15651 Fabric Mosaics

Fabric Mosaics are a great way to add a sensory experience to your class art projects. See more about Fabric Mosaics here! We’ve used a variety of patterns and colors to form our Fabric Mosaics. These mosaics can be combined by type or color to make interesting designs! Use for filling in clothing textures for All About Me illustrations; gluing on journal and schoolbook covers; decorating picture frames and more!


The video below showcases some of the various types of Fabric Mosaics you can find in the pack.

Quilt Mosaics

The R15642 Quilt Mosaics are paper mosaics printed with multilayered designs, just like real quilts! See more of our Quilt Mosaics here! Click on the instructions guide at the bottom of the web page to access some quilt patterns that you can use for your students’ projects.


One side of the Quilt Mosaic is printed with a pattern while the opposite side features a flat color. You can separate the Quilt Mosaic blocks into triangles (which can be combined together to form a complete square). You can use the patterned portion of the mosaics to make illustrations and fill in the spaces of your illustration with the flat colored side.

The video below shows a step-by-step design to make using the Quilt Mosaics.

You can apply this process to other designs that are viewable on the website HERE!


Thanks for viewing our post! Stay tuned for more in the upcoming weeks! Any comments or questions? Send us a line at! We’d love to hear from you.

Willard City Elementary Artists use our Tessellations Animal Templates!

The Artman posted his students’ math/art projects that used our Animal Template Tessellations! Tessellations are a great way to build coordination and patterning skills! See more about Artman’s process below.

Artman posted many photos of his students using our Animal Template Tessellations. A variety of designs from the pack were used. These included the elephant, lizard, fish, butterfly, dog, turtle and spider. The pack includes so much more, however! See the full display of designs at the full web guide HERE.

This project was posted by Artman at his WordPress blog Artmanews on April 30, 2012, entitled “Tessellations -part 1.” Visit the full post on his students’ tessellation art the link!

After the tessellations were traced onto paper, the students incorporated a lesson in color theory to complete their project. They chose complementary colors, which are two colors on the color wheel that are directly opposite each other. This student chose blue and orange as his complementary colors.

Instead of merely coloring in the tessellation in one flat color, the interior details were filled in with the complementary color to help distinguish the patterns from each other.

Lovely work!

Thanks to the Artmanews for this post!

Images and original post © Artmanews

This post was not sponsored for a review. At LittleFingersBigArt, our mission is to present to our readers and viewers the newest and most creative craft ideas that fans of Roylco have made on their own. Our goal is to allow you and other educators and parents to reuse our products in fun ways so that children always get the best educational experience from them!

We’d love to see more ideas like this one! If you’ve got a brilliant craft idea or have made a version of one of our crafts that you would like to share with us, send an email to with photos, descriptions or a link to your work. We will create a feature post and link back to you with full credit. We’d love to hear from you!
