Craft Spotlight: Farm Animal Masks

kids crafts barnyard masks

Dress up, learn facts, exercise and play farm with Farm Animal Masks! These pre-printed, coated masks are the perfect tools for encouraging students to participate in dramatic play and physical education!

There are 8 different animals to choose from, so your students get quite a bit of variety! Choose between a cow, duck, goat, rabbit, horse, pig, sheep and chicken.

kids crafts barnyard masksTo wear the masks, attach a pipe cleaner to either side. Join the pipe cleaner at the back. The masks are pre-punched with holes to allow pipe cleaner or string to be threaded through. We find that pipe cleaner works best for adjustments, as you can always twist it tighter to hold it in place.

kids crafts barnyard masksWe played several fun games while wearing the masks. Sing “Old McDonald Had a Farm” and get students to call out their animal’s signature sound!

kids crafts barnyard masksWe set up a miniature tent (made of Color Diffusing Paper sheets and Newspaper Builders) to make a “playpen” for these duckies!

kids crafts barnyard masksPlay hop-scotch on the grass! Use grass marking spray or form square boxes from our Straws and Connectors to get your hoppity friends moving.

kids crafts barnyard masksWe gave our funny friends some crafts to work on while wearing their Barnyard Masks. This helped some of our shy kids open up, as wearing a mask made them feel more confident.

kids crafts barnyard masksLook at that hop! This bunny’s ready to take off!

kids crafts barnyard masksThanks for hanging out, everybody!


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